That is, the training and development of leaders should not start on the job, as it too often does now. Instead, it needs to happen at a much earlier stage in an executive's career cycle. 确切地说,对领导者的培训培养不能现在盛行的那样,从工作中开始,而需始于更早的职业生涯阶段。
Hakan Samuelsson, chief executive of man, said: "we can never really grow our company significantly with the Western European business cycle, so we will use this time now to really strengthen our position in emerging markets." 曼首席执行官哈坎萨缪尔森(hakansamuelsson)说:“在西欧的经济商业周期中,我们永远不可能让公司真正取得大发展,因此我们将利用这个时机,切实增强我们在新兴市场的地位。”
The prototype supports 39 instructions; the executive cycle is one clock per instruction except DES, AES and MMU ( normal basic multiplication). 该原型支持39条指令,除DES、AES和正规基乘法MMU外其它指令都在一个时钟周期完成。